Not Another Holiday Story
The holidays, it seems just yesterday we were getting rid of our Christmas trees, putting away the decorations, screaming Happy New Year at 12:00 midnight with friends and family. Yeah, the holidays are back. The hustle and bustle of shopping and what to buy for our loved ones, family members, friends, our co-workers and so on.
No matter what holiday you celebrate it is a special time of year, but for so many, it is not. Among the joy and celebration that surrounds us, there are many who just do not feel like celebrating. Isn’t it amazing, with all the glitter, lights, music, the crowds, and all around good cheer, there are many who are lonely sad, depressed, wondering what the New Year will hold for them?
Yes for some it has been a good year, a great job, great pay, picking the right stocks to invest in, perhaps a new addition to the family, all great. The flip side many have lost their jobs, maybe a loved one or divorce. Others are worried about losing their homes, their bills piling up, poor health and so on. You get the idea.
Not everyone has it good, and yes that is how the world is, I don’t know maybe that is how it is supposed to be. All the negative things in a person’s life are magnified during the holidays because of everything that is out there. From the commercials that tell you to buy this and those who make you feel bad if you do not buy this for your wife, child or friend and so on.
One of my favorites is the luxury car commercial where they tell you, do something special, surprise her with “fill in the model” and don’t forget to put the red bow on it, they will love you for it. Yeah, like we all have 70K or more to spend on a car or the hi-end jewelry designer commercials where they make it seem so easy to buy from them.
Now picture someone lets name him Bill, he just lost his job, his wife works part-time, has 2 kid’s ages 10 and 13, bills are coming in and already behind one month on their mortgage. Bill was a hard worker, at work every day sometimes would come in early and stay late. Did his job the best as anyone could do, but still, none of that mattered. In the end, it came down to the company that he worked for 6 years wanted to cut costs and in the process do what was best for its shareholders.
We all know someone like Bill. Imagine how Bill feels when he goes to the mall with his family and cannot buy the things he wants to buy. Or that he has to tell his kids “I am sorry but we just cannot afford it right now“. It could be someone who has no family, or if they do they are far away. It could be someone who does not have friends, someone who is sick, it could be anyone, it could be you.
It has been a rough couple of years for so many with no end in sight. During this holiday season let us remember the Bills of the world and try to help them any way we can, after all, today it is Bill, tomorrow it may be you. So this holiday season, let’s help those who may need it, a good deed done will come back to you in a positive way. It is a great feeling to put a smile on someone’s face who may feel that life has passed them by.
Okay, back to the good cheer. How many of you will make resolutions for the New Year and keep them? Come on! raise your hands! I guess many of you are just shy, no problem. It won’t be long before we have to do it all over again. Happy Holidays! They’ll be here before you know it.