Hi, thank you for visiting my site.
Just a little about me, I live in the United States with my family.
My background started in the banking world in various areas.
The last 10 years I have been involved in marketing, digital marketing as well as web editing where I closely worked with clients on ads, copy, website content, branding and focusing on market penetration for existing and potential new clients.
Recently I have worked in the Financial sector, Healthcare/Pharmaceutical i various capacities and departments.
I have always enjoyed writing ever since I was a kid in school, right through my involvement in music and now professionally. The time just seemed right to create this site. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
Whatever I write, will be right from the heart. It may be on topics that are in today’s news, or things that are important to me and hopefully others.
There will also be fictional stories that you should find engaging and interesting enough to keep coming back. (Keeping fingers crossed)
If anyone is interested in content/article writing and marketing please contact me, I can help.
Once again thank you and I hope you will stay on board.