The Power of a New Year
Wow! Here we are into a New Year filled with hope, promise and new resolutions. How many of you make New Year resolutions? I know you are out there, come on, don’t be shy. As for myself, I don’t care too much for them. Just because the calendar switches over to a New Year what does it actually mean? Will things be different than they were the day before, the week before or what about one month ago? What will suddenly change to make things different?
Is it our attitude, perhaps it’s the way we will look at things, or are we so far down that a New Year may bring us to a better place. Each one of us has different reasons why we act the way we do.
Yes, I agree that a New Year can be considered a starting point for new beginnings and new adventures. However, many of us wait for the New Year to make all kinds of resolutions such as, losing weight, getting a new job/finding a job, changing careers, contacting family or friends that you have not spoken to in a while, exercising, becoming a better person and so on.
My question is why wait? Why must we wait for a New Year, to do all these things that we want to do? If it’s so important to us to better ourselves, why do we need a New Year to start? I don’t know about you but I just hate when people come up to me and ask what my resolutions are for the New Year? When I am asked that question I just say “I want the New Year to be better than the last year”. After all don’t we all want to be better off than before?
I am not an expert or a psychologist, but I think now more than ever we need to hold on to hope because life itself has become more difficult. We all have concerns, health, jobs, money, our homes, bills, etc… So holding on to the concept of better times ahead makes us feel hopeful and there is nothing wrong with that.
I wonder how many resolutions are repeated year after year. How many of us can say yeah “I actually followed through with my resolutions? How many resolutions have you kept?
Is this a rant? I am not sure, it may be, but what I am saying is perhaps we all in some way like to change what we do not like, but we tend to put it off into the future. So, by waiting for the New Year to come, to do all these things, buys us more time. During this process, we tend not to feel guilty about our in actions, because we are waiting for the New Year like everyone else.
I include myself in this conversation. So let me say that hopefully in this New Year we can do what we want to do, take the chance, change what we want to change without having to wait for next New Year to do it.
What do you think? HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL